Shayana Shop

Barium Blend

Bongbastic’s latest addition, Barium, gives you a strong yet smooth acting odor that will certainly lift your spirits. And now available as a blend!

Well suited to burn at social gatherings, the Barium scents will clear everyone's head and leave them in a cheerful mood.

The odor lasts for an hour and leaves the body fully functional, making this the ideal incense to burn at parties or group activities like playing board, card or console games... giggles guaranteed!

And so it is with good reason, that Barium was awarded with Shayana's Quality Label.


10-20 mg
20-40 mg
40-60 mg


1-2 Hours


Not intended for human consumption.

Customers Reviews Barium Blend Share your experience


Best Blend out there. Haven't found anything like it. Gives you a nice uplifting feeling, but can also be very realxing depending on the situation. The best part of to no bad side effects *thumbs up*


Dt and Barium for us was not strong enough to continue with, SORRY but we are honest speaking people, who knows good stuff, we do enjoy verry strong stuff, thanks

When this turned up I smelled it and I thought, 'I hate those bloody Dutch people'.

All the same I couldn't help myself so I tried some. And I thought to myself as I smoked it, 'If I ever get a chance to meet those horrible dutch people, I'm going to give the what for...'

Four and a half minutes after I put it out I was plotting how to get to Netherlands next and find these guys.

Five minutes later, if it were possible to take my brain out of my head without killing me, I would have been kissing it! It was like somebody in slippers crept up behind me and hit me around the back of the head with a breath of fresh ecstasy. I can't remember feeling so cheerful in a long time. Not since the Summer of Love ;)

I now love Dutch men. I'm not fussy who they are. As long as their name is Barium. I love them. At least once a week ;)


C'est tout simplement une dinguerie ! Il est écrit 1 à 2 heures d'effet, je peux vous certifier que ça dure plus longtemps. Personnellement je ne dose pas énormément (0,10mg) et ça me met trèèsss biennn ^^
Concernant la livraison, c'est juste le top, commandé mercredi reçu aujourd'hui (vendredi)
Par contre, je n'accroche pas énormément niveau gout, je trouve le gout trop fort ! Mais ce n'est pas pour autant que j'arrêterai d'en acheter, bien au contraire !
Foncez la tête baissé, il n'y a aucun risque. Merci Shayana de tes services ;)

Oktober 2015: It's strong again. Seems to be a new active ingredient, cause I don't remeber a feeling like this from any other incence. Very good.



This shit is amazing!!!


If you took the best parts of the cannabis experience and spliced it with the best parts of a really clean disco burger experience and took away any feeling of come down, moreishness or headache afterwards, you'd probably be cleaning your bong with Barium. Probably my favourite thing available through Shayana and I've tried many things from these guys!

Ive first smoked this by myself few times during the evening and it was very nice. Smooth and gentle high and able to do things at home. I smoked tiny amount in a pipe and in joint with some tobacco.

Second time i smoked this with few of my friends and we smoked it from bong again tiny amounnt. OMG this time it hit us with a sledgehammer. The effects started after 30sec and lasted around 1h45min.The lift of the high was VERY fast and strong we were seriously high! Visions were little bit 3d and you were kinda slightly out of ur body.Walking around helps if you feel too high. This is some strong stuff at least when u smoke it from a bong i advise u take it easy and start SMALL!

Dont take too much at the first time! But amazing stuff good value for money.Stronger than any weed i smoked anywhere.


One of the best and most addicting forms of weed that I've ever tried. I haven't had the chance to try it for more than 2 years now, but I still visit the website to check if it's still there. I want to buy more, but it's just too good. I'd probably end up addicted.

Also ich muss sagen das zeug wirkt schon häftig...
Muss man sehr vorsichtig mit der Dosierung sein...
Habe immer ne Pinzettenspitze in der Pfeife geraucht das gibg auch meistens gut,
aber manchmal gab des schon eine Überdosierung.
Die Wirkung? Naja eher nicht wie Gras, sonder eher psychotisch auch meistens paranoia.
Der Körper fühlte sich zwar auch kurz bekifft an, aber das war kein Problem geistig war man noch fit.
Hatte ich aber mal wieder eine Überdosierung war das ganze echt nichmehr cool,
ich saß in meinem zimmer und hörte dann manchmal irgendwelche zusammenhangslose Töne,
die ich aber komischerweise witzig fand und deswegen jede 15 min in einem lachkrampf ausgebrochen bin.
Einmal war es sogar so schlimm, dass ich ohne zunächst Optics zu haben plötzlich einfach körperlich sehr spürte dass ich voll weg war.
Als ich schnell noch die Notbremse ziehen wollte "E-Zigarette" (half bis jetzt immer) war es zu spät, noch bevor ich
den ersten Zug nehmen konnte sah ich wie der Verdampfer grüßer und kleiner wurde - shit dachte ich und legte mich ins Bett.
Das half zuerst, aber dann kams richtig, überall sah ich Pilze (?!) oder Böse Steckdosen (?!)
Als das halbwegs vorüber war, kamen wieder die lustigen "Tönchen" und zwar richtig laut...

Meine Empfehlung? Ganz klar zu hart, niewieder! Wenn alle so abgehn, gehörn sie alle verboten...


Je l'adore !
Ce Barium Blend vous pose (pause) tranquillement et rapidement pour une petite heure. A préférer le soir lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à faire.
Seul bémol : pas de créativité ni d'envie de bouger. Je vais essayer le Deuterium voir si cela me rend plus alerte, active, créative.
Attention : Mettre une très petite quantité.
Si trop fort : vertiges, bouffées de chaleur, malaises.
Merci Shayana ! ;)

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